What is My Book About?

Write a paragraph here to briefly summarize your story, or to work on the back blurb of your book cover...




Template Menu



The Notion Novel Writing Template for Authors includes a dashboard for your novel (this page) – duplicate it in Notion for each new book project you’re working on, and use the menu above to organize your work. The dashboard features a range of sub-pages and templates for every aspect of your project:

🧙‍♂️ Character Profiles

Build a database of character profiles, complete with template profiles to duplicate for each character – just fill in the details.

📝 Outline Database

Outline your story by structuring plot points in a database, and dividing them by chapter. In the database, you can tag scenes with characters and set filters to follow subplots.

❄️ Synopsis (Snowflake M.)

Need to flesh out your story? Write a synopsis to get to know the story before you waste time going in the wrong direction.

🧪 Research Notes

Organize your research notes, web clippings, links, videos, etc. on a dedicated page. Easily find what you’re looking for via a visual overview or by using the search feature.

🌏 World Building

Particularly in fantasy and sci-fi, build and define your physical world in areas such as geography, cultures, creatures, magic and physical objects. Build a beautiful wiki of your world.

✏️ Chapter Pages

Write scenes, full chapters or the entire first draft on the go when inspiration strikes, from any device. If you built an outline database, the outline of a chapter is also accessible on that chapters’ own page.

🗣️ Beta Reader Feedback

Manage large amounts of feedback by adding actionable feedback points to a list. Tag feedback points with relevant characters and use filters to track changes made to specific subplots.

🎯 Writing Goals

Set daily, weekly or monthly writing goals and keep yourself accountable. Goals can be word targets or time-based targets, or specific tasks to complete by a due date.

✅ Progress Tracker

Track your writing progress using 49 common steps most authors go through at some point, in some order, and to some extent. Mark steps as done as you complete them to always know how far you’ve come – and what work still remains.

📚 Learn the Craft

The Progress Tracker doubles as a valuable resource on how to write a novel. Click on a step to learn more about it – the steps read like chapters of a book, with insights on planning, writing, editing, publishing and marketing a novel.

📖 Self-publish a Book

This template doesn’t let you actually self-publish, but the Progress Tracker includes the exact steps on how to self-publish a book – as well as how to find and pitch to agents and traditional publishers.

🪙 Marketing Activities

50+ suggested marketing activities, starting six months from the book launch. Build your own marketing plan and organize your marketing campaigns.

📩 Contact Lists & Budget

Shortlist beta readers, editors, agents, publishers, artists, and other professionals you work with. Store contact details, add costs to plan your budget/compare offers, and track your communication status – never forget who you e-mailed and when.

📧 Mailing List

Build a mailing list for marketing. You can set up a Notion-driven form on your website to automatically collect e-mail addresses to this Notion database. Export the database to add new contacts to your choice of e-mail client. Perfect for newsletters!

📁 Files & Documents

Upload important files you want easy access to, for example a backup copy of your latest draft, product photos for marketing, and your cover letter for pitching to agents/publishers.